Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

15 records for Notemigonus crysoleucas in Haywood County.

1682883LeuciscidaeRichland Cr, off SR 1519Haywood35.54837-82.9463810/10/2013NCDWRTracy et al.
1770861LeuciscidaeRichland Creek, off SR 1519 [Richland Creek Road], [ca. 1.6 air miles NNE center of Lake Junaluska]Haywood35.54845-82.9463501Bryn H. Tracy, J Iverson, Michael Shepherd, J Carter, Mike MickeyNCSMTracy et al.
18837434LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883756LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
18837712LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883808LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883811LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883864LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883901LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883954LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1883995LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, TE Thompson, S McWhorterNCSMTracy et al.
1902412LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, VF Stancil, RW LemondsNCSMTracy et al.
1902421LeuciscidaePigeon River, [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Waynesville]Haywood35.66513-82.99276733JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, VF Stancil, RW LemondsNCSMTracy et al.
1930956LeuciscidaeRichland Creek, County Road, SR 1376Haywood35.52863-82.963077/30/2013Stephen J Fraley, William T Russ, Tiffany N Penland, Andrea J. Leslie, Wesley H HumphriesNCWRCTracy et al.
1999488LeuciscidaePigeon RM 42.6, New Hepco bridge just above Waterville Res.Haywood35.665974-82.99466610/21/2000Underwood et al., TVAUTTracy et al.